Carrying Home to Work

By: Lindah Muturi, Allison Markowski and Lisa de Pagter

Two out of every five people in the Netherlands have experienced domestic violence in their lifetimes. One in four women have experienced Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) within the last five years. While many cases of IPV take place at home, they have serious long-lasting psychological, emotional and physical effects on the victims. This simulation aims to increase understanding of some of the side effects IPV by placing participants in a job assessment center scenario … (read more)

How has the Coronavirus influenced the Prevalence of IPV?

Author: Rozemarijn Wortelboer

In the midst of the worldwide battle against the outbreak of COVID19 – otherwise called the coronavirus – we are facing yet another public health emergency: With families in lockdown everywhere, domestic abuse and intimate partner violence (IPV) have increased dramatically … (read more)

What Are Possible Implications for the Reproductive Health of Female Victims of IPV?

Author: Rozemarijn Wortelboer

Intimate Partner Violence is one of the leading causes of injury, disability, ill-health and death in many parts of the world. For female victims, it can take a toll on their reproductive and maternal health as well … (read more)

How has The Hague’s Implementation of the “Home Ban” aided Victims of IPV?

Author: Lindah Muturi

The Hague’s “House Ban” policy makes it possible for victims of IPV to ban their abusers from their home, so that they have the chance to leave. Although this does not solve the problem of IPV, it gives victims more agency … (read more)

Could Dutch Women be at a Larger Risk to Intimate Partner Violence Because of Their Part-Time Employment?

Author: Jennifer Pfister

Financial dependency makes people more vulnerable to intimate partner violence (IPV). The high prevalence of part-time working among Dutch women might mean less of them are financially independent and therefore more vulnerable to IPV … (read more)