How is does Media Coverage of Crime Influence Feelings of Insecurity?

By: Constance Nothomb

Today’s media coverage on crime is based on market-driven criteria. Newspapers want to attract as many people as possible instead of simply diffusing information. This gave birth to a strict selection process of ‘newsworthiness’. In short, a crime is interesting to cover if it atypical: particularly brutal, mysterious, involving socially prominent persons. And so a situation arises, wherein we feel much more unsafe than we actually are … (read more)

How does starting University affect the Feeling of Loneliness?

By: Alice

There are many factors that may make a student’s first year of university particularly hard: Living by yourself, drifting apart from old friends, forming new friendships and unmet expectations. The beginning of university can feel like a test: Does the student succeed at coming of age and become an adult who lives on their own and creates their own community? Students who have difficulties adapting to their new environment may feel like they failed at doing so … (read more)

How does early Socialisation to Gender Stereotypes lead to Sexual Harassment?

By: Marthe Wittkamp

Early association to gender-based stereotypes create prejudices that can hold up throughout a person’s entire life. Gender-based expectations start at an early age and are perpetuated through peer pressure and society, leading to biases and stereotypes towards all genders. Once biases have formed, they are hard to eradicate, which results in both genders accepting and expecting certain behaviour from the other … (read more)

What is the ‘Fear of Crime Paradox’?

By: Natalia Sobrino-Saeb

While many women fear the streets, men are actually more likely to be victims of crime and accidents in them. Where then, does this fear come from? While there are many attempted explanations, gender roles and stereotypes continue to strongly influence this paradoxical fear of the streets … (read more)

How does Street Insecurity impact Women’s Movement through the City?

By: Aileen Pohl

People can become victims of street harassment, crime and violence for a variety of reasons. Race, religion, age, size and disability – these are only some of the characteristics that can make someone stand out to an offender. And one of the characteristics with the greatest impact on people’s feelings of security in the city is gender … (read more)

Why Don’t We Let Boys Cry?

By: Natalia Sobrino-Saeb

The way men are raised establishes a no-tolerance policy for vulnerability if one is to be a man. The standards are set high for men, where they must always be in control of themselves and their surroundings. This does not allow them to show any fear in public spaces even if they may fear the street as much as women … (read more)

What Consequences does Sexual Harassment have for University Students?

By: Rhianna Wesson

Sexual harassment can have severe physical, mental, behavioral, academic, and financial implications on victims and perpetrators. The effects of sexual harassment can be both long- and short term. The negative consequences may spread throughout communities, affecting not only the victim themselves but their friends, family, colleagues, peers, neighbors and more as well … (read more)

A Shrug and a Shudder: Why the Dismissive and Negative Attitude towards Student Loneliness?

By: Jindra Hartog

Why is it that we see student loneliness in such a negative, tainted light? Following the diverse impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic on all layers of society, the concept of loneliness – especially within the student community – has been brought to attention as an often overlooked and dismissed issue. So, how has student loneliness been stigmatized? And how has this stigma blurred the line between loneliness and merely being alone? … (read more)