How does starting University affect the Feeling of Loneliness?

By: Alice

There are many factors that may make a student’s first year of university particularly hard: Living by yourself, drifting apart from old friends, forming new friendships and unmet expectations. The beginning of university can feel like a test: Does the student succeed at coming of age and become an adult who lives on their own and creates their own community? Students who have difficulties adapting to their new environment may feel like they failed at doing so … (read more)

A Shrug and a Shudder: Why the Dismissive and Negative Attitude towards Student Loneliness?

By: Jindra Hartog

Why is it that we see student loneliness in such a negative, tainted light? Following the diverse impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic on all layers of society, the concept of loneliness – especially within the student community – has been brought to attention as an often overlooked and dismissed issue. So, how has student loneliness been stigmatized? And how has this stigma blurred the line between loneliness and merely being alone? … (read more)

Frisse Gedachtes

By: Sofia Tamburello

The online platform “Frisse Gedachtes” is a Dutch psychological assistance provider. This service seeks to help (both international and Dutch) university students with dealing with some of the most common struggles they can encounter when attending university, among which loneliness. Its philosophy is based on three core features: choice, trained, anonymous … (read more)