How does early Socialisation to Gender Stereotypes lead to Sexual Harassment?

By: Marthe Wittkamp

Early association to gender-based stereotypes create prejudices that can hold up throughout a person’s entire life. Gender-based expectations start at an early age and are perpetuated through peer pressure and society, leading to biases and stereotypes towards all genders. Once biases have formed, they are hard to eradicate, which results in both genders accepting and expecting certain behaviour from the other … (read more)

How does Street Insecurity impact Women’s Movement through the City?

By: Aileen Pohl

People can become victims of street harassment, crime and violence for a variety of reasons. Race, religion, age, size and disability – these are only some of the characteristics that can make someone stand out to an offender. And one of the characteristics with the greatest impact on people’s feelings of security in the city is gender … (read more)

What Consequences does Sexual Harassment have for University Students?

By: Rhianna Wesson

Sexual harassment can have severe physical, mental, behavioral, academic, and financial implications on victims and perpetrators. The effects of sexual harassment can be both long- and short term. The negative consequences may spread throughout communities, affecting not only the victim themselves but their friends, family, colleagues, peers, neighbors and more as well … (read more)

What are the Shortcomings of the Sex Education Program in the Netherlands?

By: Rhianna Wesson

The Dutch sex education system includes government guidelines and different recommended programmes (including “Long Live Love”) and is widely praised for its efficacy in increasing youth’s intention to have safe sex, and decreasing adolescent pregnancy rates (Krebbekx 2018; Sneen 2019; Rough 2018). However, not everyone agrees with this praise. Some argue that the Dutch system is out of date, not diverse enough, and overly directed by teachers’ and schools’ beliefs (Schutte et al. 2013; Naezer et al. 2017; Cense 2019).

Are Experts’ Suggestions for Sex Education Attainable for Schools in the Netherlands?

By: Rhianna Wesson

Sex education in the Netherlands is far from perfect. More focus on inclusion, diversity and cultural beliefs, as well as less dependence on teachers’ personal beliefs and more flexibility are just some suggestions regularly made by experts in the field. However, can these changes actually be implemented in real schools? … (read more)