How is does Media Coverage of Crime Influence Feelings of Insecurity?

By: Constance Nothomb

Today’s media coverage on crime is based on market-driven criteria. Newspapers want to attract as many people as possible instead of simply diffusing information. This gave birth to a strict selection process of ‘newsworthiness’. In short, a crime is interesting to cover if it atypical: particularly brutal, mysterious, involving socially prominent persons. And so a situation arises, wherein we feel much more unsafe than we actually are … (read more)

How does early Socialisation to Gender Stereotypes lead to Sexual Harassment?

By: Marthe Wittkamp

Early association to gender-based stereotypes create prejudices that can hold up throughout a person’s entire life. Gender-based expectations start at an early age and are perpetuated through peer pressure and society, leading to biases and stereotypes towards all genders. Once biases have formed, they are hard to eradicate, which results in both genders accepting and expecting certain behaviour from the other … (read more)

Why Don’t We Let Boys Cry?

By: Natalia Sobrino-Saeb

The way men are raised establishes a no-tolerance policy for vulnerability if one is to be a man. The standards are set high for men, where they must always be in control of themselves and their surroundings. This does not allow them to show any fear in public spaces even if they may fear the street as much as women … (read more)

How are Bikes Synonymous to Empowerment?

By: Constance Nothomb

On top of allowing for mobility and independence, bikes provide autonomy, self-reliance and also safety. While they started off simply as a new mode of transportation, soon they became an instrument of empowerment for women throughout the globe. Cycling is still very prominent in today’s societies, the activity only growing over time. While mobility is still the first asset of a bike, it has not lost its ideological connotation. Organizations still work to provide bikes to as many people as possible as it brings confidence and makes streets safer … (read more)

What are the Shortcomings of the Sex Education Program in the Netherlands?

By: Rhianna Wesson

The Dutch sex education system includes government guidelines and different recommended programmes (including “Long Live Love”) and is widely praised for its efficacy in increasing youth’s intention to have safe sex, and decreasing adolescent pregnancy rates (Krebbekx 2018; Sneen 2019; Rough 2018). However, not everyone agrees with this praise. Some argue that the Dutch system is out of date, not diverse enough, and overly directed by teachers’ and schools’ beliefs (Schutte et al. 2013; Naezer et al. 2017; Cense 2019).

Frisse Gedachtes

By: Sofia Tamburello

The online platform “Frisse Gedachtes” is a Dutch psychological assistance provider. This service seeks to help (both international and Dutch) university students with dealing with some of the most common struggles they can encounter when attending university, among which loneliness. Its philosophy is based on three core features: choice, trained, anonymous … (read more)